The aim of the Governor team at our school is to work with the staff in supporting school improvement in line with the school vision. We do this in five main ways:
• Working with the staff to help them teach and care for our children;
• Deciding on how the resources of the school are best used;
• Planning ahead so that the performance of our children and our school continues to improve;
• Being involved in the day to day life of the school.
To deliver this effectively the Governor team members are representative of all the key groups involved in our school – the Parents, the Staff, the Local Authority and the Community. Some are appointed and some are elected. All serve for a term of three years. We meet together once a month as a whole team, and once a term for the Finance Committee. In addition, we each have an area that we take particular interest in (eg. Numeracy, Literacy, SEN).

We are always keen to hear your views and I hope that this page will help you to understand better what we do, who we are and why we are serving as Governors
To help ensure that our governing board is reflective of the community we serve, we collect and review our governing board members' diversity data to help inform discussion and action. We do not currently publish this information online due to the small size of the board.
Governor Name | Type of governor | Chair or Vice Chair | Committee Chair | Finance Committee Member | Connections to staff | Term of office end date | Other school governor posts held | Business interests declared |
Mrs S. Pecheur
| Head Teacher
| No | No | Yes | Yes – Head Teacher | N/A | None | None |
Mrs C. Masterson
| Staff – non-teaching
| No | No | No | Yes – Teaching Assistant | 01/09/2026 | None | None |
Mrs J. Pearson
| Staff – teaching
| No | No | No | Yes – Teacher | 16/10/2026 | None | None |
Ms T. Noreen
| Co-opted
| Chair | No | Yes | No | 10/07/2027 | None | None |
Mrs B. Wall
| Co-opted
| Vice Chair
| Yes – Finance
| Yes | No | 11/09/2027 | None | None |
Mrs M. Rohse | Co-opted
| No | No | No | No | 15/01/2029 | None | None |
Mr R. Drain
| Co-opted
| No | No | No | No | 29/09/2027 | None | None |
Mrs M.Yam | Co-opted | No | No | No | No | 12/07/2029 | None | None |
Mrs. A. Parkes | Parent | Vice Chair | No | No | Volunteer | 27/05/2025 | None | None |
Mr W. Gresham | Parent | No | No | No | No | 08/06/2027 | None | None |
Ms Saima Rani | co-opted | No | No | No | No | 12/7/2027 | None | None |
Mrs R. Carter | Parent | No | No | No | No | 29/09/2027 | None | None |
Mr T.Weeb- Skinner | Co-opted | No | No | No | 20/11/2028 | None | None | |
Mr A.Butt | Local Authority | No | No | No | No | 26/02/2029 | None | None |