Pupil Premium

The Pupil Premium is allocated to local authorities and schools with pupils on roll that are known to have been eligible for free school meals (FSM) at any time in the last six years. Schools will have the freedom to spend the Premium, which is additional to the school’s budget, in a way they think will best support the raising of attainment for the most vulnerable pupils.

- The Pupil Premium strategy sets out our desired outcomes:

- All PP children to make expected or better progress from their starting point

- Improved attendance for disadvantaged children  

- Improved self esteem and well being, leading to improved behaviour, positive attitudes to learning and raised aspirations.

  • Create a bright, happy and stimulating environment where everyone is encouraged to develop a love of learning, independence and creativity.
  • Provide learning experiences that meet the needs of individuals and have high expectations for all.
  • Foster positive attitudes and caring relationships, based on mutual respect
  • Celebrate the differences which make us all so diverse and which enrich our school.
  • Equip our children with the necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes to achieve success, become life long learners and active citizens.
  • Work in partnership with parents and the community.

We have high expectations of all children and recognise that some children from disadvantaged backgrounds will need additional support to meet those expectations. We reward the good progress being made by pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds as well attainment.

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© Wheelers Lane Primary School.